Hard Yards

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Minimum Viable Product -- Do you know how to build one?

Register: MEETUP

Monday, June 19, 2017

6:15 PM to 8:30 PM

  • Make Offices

    3100 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 200, Arlington, VA (map)

  • Map the journey to MVP: Build your product with minimum effort

    This interactive workshop explores several concepts and methodologies to help companies plan the development of a new product with minimum cost and risk. During this workshop participants learn how to identify an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and create a roadmap using prioritization techniques and Product Journey Maps. This is a hands-on workshop with minimum lectures. Participants learn by doing exercises on a mock-up product. The learnings in this workshop can be applied to any type of product or service, and are useful for startups and established companies.

    Learning objectives

    • What an MVP is, and how to minimize your MVP

    • Prioritization techniques including MoSCoW and WSJF

    • How to create Product Journey Maps 

    • Using ProductJourney Maps for versioning

    • MVP versus MDP

    • Roadmapping and release planning


    Valerio Zanini

    Formerly a Director of Product Development at Capital One, Valerio is expert at bridging technology and business.  Valerio has more than 20 years of professional experience spanning software development, system integration, agile transformation, design thinking, and product innovation.  Before Capital One, Valerio was CEO of Goozex (private equity exit in 2012).  Valerio is a Certified Scrum Professional, Certified Scrum Master, and Certified Product Owner.  He holds an MBA from the University of Maryland, and a Masters and Bachelors in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the University of Rome, Italy.