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Scale Wars

In this blog post, we'll explore popular scaling methodologies and their advantages and disadvantages. But because I’m an Agile nerd and a Star Wars nerd, and a new Star Wars show (Ashoka) just launched, I couldn’t help but use my favorite space opera as inspiration. And if you think Star Wars and Agile scaling methodologies don’t have much in common, then you need to explain to me how the Rebellion launched a multi-pronged assault on the Empire's Death Star involving multiple cross functional teams, each responsible for a crucial component of the attack, that had to be collaborated flawlessly. 

In a galaxy not so far away, Agile transformations are taking place across the universe. Just as the Rebel Alliance found itself locked in a seemingly unwinnable struggle against the oppressive Galactic Empire, modern Organizations are embarking on epic journeys to scale their Agile practices. And much like our favorite Star Wars characters, each methodology has its own strengths and weaknesses. But beware, for in this scaling saga, choosing the right methodology can be as challenging as bulls-eyeing a womp rat in a T-16.

In order of increasing complexity, here are the most popular scaling methods: 

Methodology 1: LeSS - Less is More, Young Padawan

LeSS, or Large Scale Scrum, is like the Yoda of Agile scaling methodologies. It preaches simplicity, with a master's wisdom. Just as Yoda advises Luke to unlearn what he has learned, LeSS asks organizations to unlearn complexity and embrace the elegant simplicity of Scrum.


  • Simple and lightweight: LeSS is an extension of Scrum and aims to maintain its simplicity, making it relatively easy to understand and implement.

  • Empirical control: LeSS relies on the Scrum framework's empirical approach to control, allowing teams to inspect and adapt their work regularly.

  • Focus on transparency and communication: LeSS emphasizes transparency, which can improve communication and collaboration within the organization.


  • May not address all organizational complexities: While LeSS is simple and effective for some organizations, it may not provide sufficient guidance for addressing all the complexities of larger enterprises.

  • Limited roles and ceremonies: LeSS has fewer roles and ceremonies than some other frameworks, which may be necessary to coordinate dependencies across teams and organizational silos

Methodology 2: Nexus - Uniting Teams, Jedi Council Style

Nexus is the Jedi Council of Agile frameworks, bringing Scrum teams together to face the challenges of the dark side. It's all about teamwork and collaboration, as if the Force itself is guiding your efforts. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility... for more meetings!


  • Built on Scrum: Nexus is closely aligned with Scrum and extends it to multiple teams, making it easier for organizations already using Scrum to scale up.

  • Focus on integration: Nexus places a strong emphasis on ensuring that work from multiple teams is integrated regularly, reducing integration challenges.

  • Clear roles and events: Nexus defines clear roles, events, and artifacts, providing structure for organizations scaling Scrum.


  • May not fit all contexts: Nexus is well-suited for certain contexts, but it may not be the best choice for all types of organizations or projects.

  • Requires additional roles: Nexus introduces a Nexus Integration Team role, which may be seen as an additional overhead.

Methodology 3: Scrum@Scale - Scaling, the Millennium Falcon Way

Scrum@Scale is like the Millennium Falcon of Agile scaling. It's fast, versatile, and can take on the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs... or so it claims. With Scrum@Scale, you'll learn to navigate the galaxy of Agile at warp speed.


  • Scalability: Scrum@Scale is explicitly designed for scaling Scrum across the entire organization, making it suitable for large enterprises.

  • Modular approach: It provides a modular approach, allowing organizations to tailor the framework to their specific needs.

  • Integration of Lean and Agile practices: Scrum@Scale incorporates Lean and Agile practices, which can help improve overall efficiency and value delivery.


  • Complexity: Scrum@Scale can be more complex to implement compared to some other frameworks, which may require a greater investment in training and coaching.

  • May not suit smaller organizations: Scrum@Scale's full framework might be too heavy for smaller organizations or teams

Methodology 4: SAFe - The Death Star of Frameworks

SAFe, or the Scaled Agile Framework, is the Death Star of Agile frameworks. It's colossal, with layers upon layers of roles, ceremonies, and artifacts. While it can destroy obstacles with the firepower of a fully armed and operational battle station, it may require an equally epic Rebel Alliance to manage all those moving parts!


  • Comprehensive: SAFe is a comprehensive framework that covers a wide range of roles, practices, and principles, making it suitable for large and complex enterprises.

  • Flexibility: SAFe offers various configurations, allowing organizations to tailor it to their specific context.

  • Established training and certification: SAFe has a well-established ecosystem of training and certification, making it easier to find skilled practitioners.


  • Complexity: SAFe can be perceived as overly complex by some organizations, especially smaller ones, which might find it difficult to implement fully.

  • Overhead: The numerous roles, ceremonies, and artifacts in SAFe can introduce administrative overhead and potentially slow down decision-making processes.

Much like Luke Skywalker’s quest to become a Jedi, scaling Agile is an epic journey.  The choice of methodology is your lightsaber, your tool to conquer the Agile galaxy.  Success will require balance and the blending of techniques, not blind adherence to one side of the force or the other.  

The choice between LeSS, Nexus, Scrum@Scale, and SAFe depends on the organization's size, complexity, and specific needs. It's essential to carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each framework and consider factors like organizational culture, existing processes, and the level of agile maturity when selecting the most appropriate one. Additionally, many organizations adapt, customize, and blend these frameworks to suit their unique requirements.  At Hard Yards we specialize in helping to tailor your scaling efforts to your unique situation

A final word of advice: make sure you can execute well with one team first.  If you try to scale too far too fast…..I have a bad feeling about this!

Disclaimer: No Ewoks were harmed in the making of this blog post. Agile transformations, however, may require the occasional Wookiee-sized effort.

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