Design Sprint: Discover the Future of Design in Just Five Days

Do you find yourself asking where do we begin with every new project? It’s a daunting question, and attempting to answer it only leads to even more questions. If you continue to jump into a project with no plan or direction, you’ll waste time, money, and energy. This is why we have the design sprint!

What is a Design Sprint?

Put simply, the design sprint is a five-day process that reduces risk and solve problems in product development. By following the design sprint process, companies can make informed decisions, reduce risk, and save time and resources compared to traditional product development methods. The process helps teams to quickly and effectively validate their ideas, while also encouraging creativity and collaboration.

The Five Steps of the Design Sprint

How can we help?

Are you looking to level up your design sprint skills and lead effective and efficient design sprints? Look no further! Our design sprint coaching services can help you become a master facilitator and guide you through the entire design sprint process, from ideation to prototyping.

The Coaching

Not only do our coaches have years of experience with training in the design thinking space, they also have experience with doing it. You won’t find a team more qualified than ours.

The Personalization

Don't settle for a one-size-fits-all approach to design thinking. At Hard Yards, we're committed to delivering personalized training that meets your unique needs.

The Experience

The Hard Yards training experience is not your typical training experience. You learn through experiential classroom exercises, group work, and simulations to stay engaged throughout the course.

With our coaching services, you will learn how to:

  • Plan and prepare a successful design sprint

  • Facilitate productive ideation and decision-making sessions

  • Build and test prototypes quickly and effectively

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders

  • Analyze and apply feedback to improve your design sprints

Our experienced coaches will provide personalized guidance and support to help you overcome any obstacles and achieve your design sprint goals. We use a hands-on approach that combines theory with practice, giving you the tools and confidence you need to run successful design sprints.

Contact us today to learn more about our design sprint coaching services and how we can help you take your skills to the next level!