Data Dojo

2021 Wrapped in Words

2021 Wrapped in Words

In 2021, we focused on aligning our marketing strategy with the products and services we believe are most important to digital transformation and product development today. We created a word cloud (in the shape of a boat - of course) based on all our social media posts for the year to see if our actions and words were aligned.

Wax On, Data On: Unleashing Your Potential in the Data Dojo

Wax On, Data On: Unleashing Your Potential in the Data Dojo

Unleash your inner data warrior in the Hard Yards Data Dojo, where the powerful art of data mastery meets the spirit of martial arts. Immerse yourself in a 5-day experience that goes beyond traditional training, diving into the depths of enterprise architectures and the realms of data understanding, preparation, and modeling. With a commitment to "learning by doing," our Data Dojo will equip you with the skills and mindset to wield data as a weapon, empowering you to make informed decisions and grow your inner tree of data mastery. Step onto the mat and bring your headband – it's time to find your strong data roots.