From SOHO to Sonoma - Thank You

From SOHO to Sonoma - Thank You

The purpose of this Blog is to thank the people and organizations that supported the Navy SEAL Foundation and made this epic event possible.

Hacking the Human Element

Hacking the Human Element

Hard Yards had the opportunity to support MD5’s Hacking the Human Element event held in collaboration with USSOCOM at SOFWERX in Tampa, Florida.  In preparation for the event, the Hard Yards team conducted interviews with warfighters from several different special operations elements, civilian first responders with experience in flood, hurricane, and disease disaster relief, and technology experts and innovators using wearable technology to help operators in all sorts of interesting ways.

We then synthesized the insights gained from those interviews into a challenge brief presentation that was leveraged to kickoff the event.  You can see our presentation here

War Dogs, GovTribe, and the Marathon at the Bottom of the World

War Dogs, GovTribe, and the Marathon at the Bottom of the World

If you have ever wondered what is wrong with government contracting, watch the opening scene to the War Dogs trailer.  Neither side had the data to make a good decision.  GovTribe is a great solution and they are supporting our Navy SEAL Foundation, Antarctica Ice Marathon fundraiser with a 20% discount on an annual subscription.