Remote by Design: Hard Yards is Live Online

How do you feel about online training? Most of my experiences with asynchronous training were historically bad, really bad. Annual training refreshers…bad slide decks…clicking through to the quiz at the end. Painful.

For more than two years now, Hard Yards has been fortunate to support one of the world’s largest multi-national healthcare companies. Because our client is organized by distributed teams, we designed our training and consulting to be delivered remotely. We work with teams across the world from Virginia. Using digital whiteboards, web conferencing, and slack, we create online experiences to mimic our in person, experiential delivery - nothing beats co-located teams and face-to-face interaction…but our online product development services and training come close.

Recalling our journey to create content for online delivery, I am reminded of Dr. Evil’s words, “Our early attempts at a Tractor Beam {online delivery] went through several preparations. Preparations A Through G were a complete failure. But now, ladies and gentlemen, we finally have a working Tractor Beam {online delivery, which we shall call Preparaton H.” We actually call our online coaching modules Accelerators!

Our Accelerators break the external coach dependency model with a scalable solution where cohorts of Scrum Masters or Product Owners learn and apply all the skills necessary to become more effective in their role - in context. More Information here.

If you need baseline training and certifications, Scrum Alliance recently allowed remote delivery of the certification courses. More information here.