
Virtual vs. In-Person Agile Training: The Tale of the Blue Tape

Virtual vs. In-Person Agile Training: The Tale of the Blue Tape

When Covid hit, our team had to adapt quickly. Doug Rosenberg explains how Hard Yards moved to a virtual environment and how he is using his experience teaching online to improve classes in physical environments.

Lost your Mojo? Try our Data Dojo!

Lost your Mojo? Try our Data Dojo!

The Data Dojo provides a pathway to “data literacy” defined by Gartner as “the ability to read, write and communicate data in context, including an understanding of data sources and constructs, analytical methods and techniques applied – and the ability to describe the use case, application and resulting value.” Data literacy not your bag? Don’t worry, we’ll get you caught up.

Design Snobs and Agile Nerds Unite!

Design Snobs and Agile Nerds Unite!

Product develop requires a mix of skills. Strategy, Design, Agile, and measurement to name a few. Ashley Shoval explains Dual-Track Agile, a framwork to bring designers together with IT in discovery and delivery.

Remote by Design: Hard Yards is Live Online

Remote by Design:  Hard Yards is Live Online

Nothing beats co-located teams and face-to-face interaction…but our product development services come close. Our live online training and consulting content was built for a multi-national Fortune 10 corporation - we are remote by design.