Product Management

2021 Wrapped in Words

2021 Wrapped in Words

In 2021, we focused on aligning our marketing strategy with the products and services we believe are most important to digital transformation and product development today. We created a word cloud (in the shape of a boat - of course) based on all our social media posts for the year to see if our actions and words were aligned.

The Flaw of Tracking Individual Performance

The Flaw of Tracking Individual Performance

In an effort to make teams better, it can be tempting to track individual "performance" in a few ways. Without realizing it, team members are often pitted against each other with these kinds of metrics, when what really matters is solving problems for our customers and users.

Creating a Definition of Done

Creating a Definition of Done

At Hard Yards we work with a range of clients and teams across several organizations helping them in their journey towards Agile. One of the most important things a team can do when starting working together is create a shared Definition of Done. Yet, we rarely see this happen, or rarely see this formalized in a useful way. Here is a brief guide on how to create one.

Building Trust as a Product Owner

Building Trust as a Product Owner

A Product Owner is most often the person with their neck on the line but there’s more to being a Product Owner than just taking ownership. Mark Pushinsky shares some tips on how to build trust with a development team in order to create a great product and inclusive environment in this short video.